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Woodrush High School

Woodrush High School

An Academy for Students Aged 11-18

Pastoral Care

“The pastoral support provided by the school is a clear strength."

“Leaders have created a truly inclusive school where every pupil is valued and cared for.”

Ofsted report 2018

We treat all students in a caring and responsible manner as individuals, all equally important and deserving of attention.

Form Tutor: All students are placed in form groups upon their arrival at Woodrush High School. The form tutor is the student’s first point of contact for their pastoral needs. Form tutors see their students at the beginning of the school day during their registration periods. This gives them the opportunity to monitor the attendance, punctuality and behaviour of the students in their form on a daily basis.

Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year: Attached to every group is a Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year who oversees the Form Tutors and who has overall responsibility for student welfare including achievement and behaviour. Each Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year ensures that students' personal development is of the highest possible quality. They are fully committed to building positive relationships with all students and parents and are dedicated to providing guidance, support and care to their year group which helps build a strong school ethos, community spirit and positive school climate. 

Engagement Leaders: Our specialist Engagement Leaders build a crucial layer of pastoral support for your child. This team of pastoral specialists work alongside the inclusion team and Year teams to address barriers that a student may have that could impact on their learning and progress.  If needed interventions and support are put in place for individual students ensuring that each and every student achieves their best at Woodrush. 

Mental Health Lead: Our Mental health Lead provides further additional pastoral support for our students. This non-teaching member of staff works with individuals that require support with issues that may affect their mental health and wellbeing, including low self-esteem, depression and anxiety. In addition, this member of staff will also hold one on one mentoring sessions with individual students that require more intensive support